Yugioh Deskbot Deck
View in online deck builder purchase on tcgplayer text view ydke normal summon deskbot 003 use his eff to ss deskbot 002 use his eff to add any deskbot card to your hand and then use deskbot 002 as a target for machine duplication and when you ss two more deskbot 002 s use deskbot 003 s eff to have a 4000 atk beater on the field.
Yugioh deskbot deck. Pure deskbot deck 2020 january 20 2020. August 10 2019 august 14 2019 mohamed89 2 460 0 comments deskbots dragon synchro. If you special summon deskbot 002 it will allow you to add a deskbot card from your deck to your hand. Deskbot known as bunborg ブンボーグ bunbōgu in the japanese version is an archetype of earth machine monsters with 500 atk and def.
Yugioh top decks powered by yugioh prices. Quando questa carta viene evocata normalmente. Deskbot decks view most used cards average deck prices main deck 43 05 extra deck 23 62 side deck 10 12 total average 76 79 date tournament deck duelist placed deck price. Puoi scegliere come bersaglio 1 mostro deskbot che controlli.
They are one of each leveled monsters that support machine monsters in general with a swarm strategy and effects that increase their atk and def. Deskbot 008 x2 deskbot 007 x2 deskbot 005 x3 deskbot 004 x3 deskbot 003 x3 ash blossom joyous spring x3 deskbot 002 x3 deskbot 001. Puoi evocare specialmente 1 mostro deskbot dal tuo deck eccetto deskbot 003. The literal and graphical information presented on this site about yu gi oh including card images the attribute level rank and type symbols and card text is copyright.
Machiners command structure deck r マシンナーズ コマンド common japanese asian release date card code set japanese asian name rarity. Deskbot 003 when it s normal summoned deskbot 003 allows you to special summon from your deck 1 deskbot monster except deskbot 003. 2020 02 22 sr10 jp021 structure deck r. They are used by tate in the yu gi oh.
This website is not produced by endorsed by supported by. The literal and graphical information presented on this site about yu gi oh including card images the attribute level rank and type symbols and card text is copyright 4k media inc a subsidiary of konami digital entertainment inc. Submit decklist build deck contact. Esso guadagna 500 atk def per ogni carta deskbot che controlli attualmente fino alla fine di questo turno.
Raigeki x1 machine duplication x3 foolish burial x1 limiter removal x3 called by the grave x3 urgent schedule x3 deskbot base.