Espacenet Patent Smart Search
The following table lists the field identifiers available in the smart search option together with a definition and examples of how to use them.
Espacenet patent smart search. Find out if your invention is unique or if other inventors have filed patent applications that are considered to be prior art. The smart search mask combines multiple functions into a single easy to use search field so that you can enter your queries with or without field identifiers. The system will find patent documents where the words mouse and trap are less than three words apart in the txt identifier. Smart search field identifiers.
Espacenet offers free access to information about inventions and technical developments from the 19th century right up to today. For a list of all field identifiers that you may use in smart search click help and select smart search list of field identifiers. In the smart searchmask you can enter your query with or without field identifiers. Smart search entering queries with field identifiers field identifiers allow you to search for specific keywords names numbers and patent classifications in smart search.
You can enter inventor or applicant names numbers dates keywords and classes in any order without having to specify the search field for each search term. The system will find patent documents where the words mouse and trap happen to be in the same sentence in the txt identifier. Accessible to beginners and experts espacenet contains data on more than 100 million patent documents from around the world. Searching without field identifiers the system will guess the field identifier pd num ia txt and cl according to the following rules.
Free access to millions of patent documents.